Chronos Interactive

Development confronts you with a confounding maze of acronyms and an ever-shifting list of ‘leading technologies.’

What framework should you choose? Is it a fad, or the new normal? Who can build it? How long will it last? Most importantly: Will it work?

Technology choices can have the most critical long-term impact on the success of a project.


Custom Websites
Mobile Application
Desktop Apps
Cloud Apps
Chronos has the knowledge and experience to make your decision a confident choice rather than a leap of faith.
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Responsive Design

Mobile devices are becoming more and more the Web browsers of choice. Our expertise in Responsive Web Design provides you the flexibility to seamlessly deliver your website across handheld devices with a singular, dynamic solution.

Headless CMS

The advent of Content as a Service (CaaS) and the maturity of front-end development frameworks like ReactJS and AngularJS have created a rush to "de-coupled" and "headless" websites. Our dev team is leading the charge.

Maintenance & Support

A modern website requires routine updates and patches to ensure it remains secure and operational. Chronos provides support, security, and expert guidance to ensure your website fulfills your organization's needs.


These are the technologies which our team brings to bear on your project. We don’t expect you to be familiar with them all, but a few may ring a bell.

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