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Discover Denver

Client Since 2019

Part of Denver’s Community Planning & Development, Discover Denver asks the question - how do we plan the city for growth without erasing its history? Chronos was approached by Discover Denver to create a new mobile application and web-based administrative app to allow for full survey and documentation of properties in Denver. We made it possible for their project volunteers to survey individual buildings while offline, all coordinated by Discover Denver’s staff online.

Services Used


Custom mobile app

Discover Denver is a citywide building survey focused on identifying the buildings that help tell Denver’s story. A partnership between Historic Denver, Inc. and the City and County of Denver, Discover Denver is working to identify buildings that are historically, architecturally or culturally significant. Volunteers play a significant role in Discover Denver, helping to document buildings, research building histories, and collect stories from members of the community. The easy-to-use, offline mobile application is used by survey volunteers to gather information about the physical features of individual buildings as well as document each property with photos while canvassing Denver neighborhoods.

Seen here is an example of one of Discover Denver's finds, the 1912 home of William Meikleham, owner of the Old Homestead Bakery. It was designed by T. Robert Wieger, a well-known Denver architect who also worked with F. O. Stanley to design the Stanley Hotel in Estes Park.


Administration web app

At the office and online, administrators assign properties to be surveyed by the volunteers, manage all aspects of the surveyed data and can further augment each property data with historical, architectural or other details. Required federal, state or custom reports can be generated that start the process of preserving historically significant properties. Property data can be exported for public use. A unique feature of the application is the ability to modify and customize the survey forms in the mobile app (and the related back-end database structures and administrative UI) without needing any technical expertise from the app administrators. This is an important flexibility feature since the property data requirements can evolve and change as the survey area expands across the city of Denver

“Custom project start-to-finish. We took a concept and delivered a product that is easy-to-use for volunteers and administrators alike. We also helped Denver plan and maintain an historical presence.”
~ Jordan, Lead Front-End Developer